Roundup Program
In 2008 the customers of Milan Utilities began an innovative program to help provide funds for families and children in need, in our community and guarantees every contribution made is used entirely in your community to assist families and children with assistance for food, shelter, utilities, medicine, clothes and other special needs. The Milan Mustard Seed is responsible for administration. The Mustard Seed is a long established, well respected multi-denominational organization centered on helping those in need within our community.
This program is called Round Up, and every Milan Utilities customer has the opportunity to participate!
How Does RoundUp work?
Each month your utility bill will round up to the highest dollar amount. Example: If your bill is $52.71, it would round up to $53.00. The roundup contribution would be $0.29. The average contribution is $6.00 per year, per customer. Round Up is tax-deductible, and you will receive a summary of your annual contribution on your January-February bill.
The RoundUp amount would be your monthly contribution and appear as a separate line item on your bill as RoundUp.
Based on an average of $0.50 per month from each utility customer, approximately $48,000 annually could be generated through this program.
The funds received through this program over the years have helped countless families in need!
How Can I:
Participate - You may opt in at any time. You may also elect to contribute an amount above the basic round up. You can contact MPU at 731-686-1537 for more information about increasing your contribution.
Not Participate - You may opt out of the program at any time, by doing one of the following: Contact the MPU office at 731-686-1537; or simply write on your bill statement you send with your payment that you do not wish to participate.